Lost 16kg, 40 years old
I always thought if I smashed myself at the gym and ate the cookie cutter diet, I’d get in shape. Instead I ended up exhausted and yo-yo dieting, never really losing more than 5-6kgs which I regained after the program was over. With BodyIQ I lost 16 kilos, with NO exercise and I’ve had ZERO cravings.* I haven’t been to the gym since I started the program and haven’t been this light in over 10 years - always having a ‘pot belly’ that I put down to genetics. I have nearly lost the entire belly now and I actually like what I see in the mirror - it’s yet to be the first year I DON’T feel self-conscious in my bikini. The weight loss is unbelievable! BODYIQ is hands down the best lifestyle change I’ve ever made. I’ll be the lightest I’ve been since my early 20’s!

Lost 30kg, 48 years old
The diet is easy and I had no cravings after 4.5 days, not even for wine!* I can finally fit into clothes I haven’t been able to wear for years. My confidence is back and I feel like my old self again! It’s unbelievable this can all happen with no gym workout! With BodyIQ, your mindset about food changes for the better and it’s easier to make healthier choices. Very lucky to be a part of such an amazing community who has helped me stay on track. I’m a believer! Thanks for choosing me to be a part of this amazing movement!
Lost 13kg, 41 years old
I am excited to say that five months after starting Phase 3 I haven’t put on a single kilo!* I’ve been on holidays, had lots of birthdays, celebrations and nights out but what I learnt in Phase 1 and 2 meant I could enjoy all of these things without compromising my health and gaining weight. BodyIQ has been a total lifestyle transformation, I will never go back to the way things were before.
I’m so proud and I hope my kids are too. I'm a happier, healthier, more energetic mum and I am so grateful to BodyIQ for making that happen! My daughter now says when she picks up different foods , “Is this healthy mum?!"

Lost 8kg, 44 years old
I’m so happy - I’m so happy – I’m 44yrs old and I’ve not been 53kgs since I was 19 yrs old. I feel amazing trying on my new Mykonos holiday bikini – I can’t stop smiling. All my clients keep complimenting me and say how much I’m glowing! It’s amazing how good this feels... I’m now at my GOAL weight and my stomach is flat. I have more energy than ever and haven’t felt like this in years. I’m a believer - thanks for choosing me to be a part of this great movement.
IFBB 40 + Bikini Champion,
47 years old
This journey has been incredibly educational for me! I now know where I hold my stress and how my body reacts to stress. Post competition day, I have been able to maintain my lean physique and my weight is only a kilo up from competition weight. I can’t believe I’ve beaten my sugar addiction and I’m not craving carbs - it feels amazing! The fact that you combine meditation with diet makes all the difference for me! I’ve lost my bloat & my abs are the leanest they’ve ever been!” Thank you Body IQ!

Plus Rave Reviews From Real Women Who Are Dropping 9 ... 14 ... 17 Kg*
"Losing 30kgs FEELS AMAZING! I can finally fit into clothes I haven’t been able to wear for years…"
Sarah, Sydney
"17 Kilos down today. I’m blessed and grateful beyond words!"
Jean-Marie, South Africa
"OMG I lost 4.6kgs in the first week! BodyIQ is the best lifestyle ever!"
April, Sydney
"It’s a game changer on so many levels to be feeling so incredible as I turn 54 this year. I have a six-pack and no cellulite. Thank you."
Siobhan, Sydney
"I’ve had ZERO cravings. It’s unbelievable and I’m so motivated especially when the weight falls off so quickly."
Kerry, Sydney
"It's the best thing I have done for my health and my body. My hypoglycemin is gone and my cholesterol is normal again!"
Rachael, Melbourne

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