As part of your complimentary fast start diet and nutritional audit, I'll spend up to 30 minutes with you and basically tell you where are you making the biggest mistakes in your diet. You will also discover:

  • Foods that are causing your body to hang onto fat

  • Fast foods you can eat that won’t sabotage your diet

  • Healthy foods that will make you fat

  • Your ideal body weight


Enter Your Details Below To Get Your Free Diet And Nutritional Audit:

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KERRY, Lost 16kg, 40 years old

I haven’t been to the gym since I started the program and haven’t been this light in over 10 years - always having a ‘pot belly’ that I put down to genetics.

CHARRYSE, Lost 13kg, 41 years old

I am excited to say that five months after starting Phase 3 I haven’t put on a single kilo!

I’m so proud and I hope my kids are too. I'm a happier, healthier, more energetic mum and I am so grateful to BodyIQ for making that happen!

Plus Rave Reviews From Real Women Who Are Dropping 9 ... 14 ... 17 Kg*

"Losing 30kgs FEELS AMAZING! I can finally fit into clothes I haven’t been able to wear for years…"

Sarah, Sydney

"17 Kilos down today. I’m blessed and grateful beyond words!"

Jean-Marie, South Africa

"OMG I lost 4.6kgs in the first week! BodyIQ is the best lifestyle ever!"

April, Sydney

"It’s a game changer on so many levels to be feeling so incredible as I turn 54 this year. I have a six-pack and no cellulite. Thank you"

Siobhan, Sydney

"I’ve had ZERO cravings. It’s unbelievable and I’m so motivated especially when the weight falls off so quickly."

Kerry, Sydney

"It's the best thing I have done for my health and my body. My hypoglycemin is gone and my cholesterol is normal again!"

Rachael, Melbourne

*Results may vary from person to person.
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