Why Weight Fluctuates Daily & Why You Shouldn’t Worry!
01/11/2019How Kerry Lost 16kgs Without Exercise

The Bikini Body Diet - No Exercise - BodyIQ
So, you’re the big 4-0 or 5-0, or 30-something and postpartum, hating how everything is heading south etc… the point is, you’re not 20 anymore and your body is different, as is your entire lifestyle, family obligations, career expectations … SO WHY ARE YOU taking dieting advice from 20-something-year-olds?
Weight loss after 30, 40, 50 and beyond is different and way easier than the unnecessarily gruelling fitness programs+one size diet plans being sold EVERYWHERE by 20-something girls who still have genetics on their side and way too much time on their hands.
There’s an easier way. Tap into your body’s genetic intelligence with a biochemistry intelligent diet, designed specifically for you and the kilo’s will not only melt away – they will melt away FAST – with zero exercise, without hunger pangs, cravings, counting calories, low energy, gym memberships or expensive and ineffective PT sessions – and you never gain the weight back even when you eat double the calories.
I’m here to tell you that just because you’re getting older doesn’t mean you have to resign yourself to buying a bigger wardrobe every year, ladies I’m here to tell you the 40s are the new 30s!
Here’s Kerry’s story …
“I always thought if I smashed myself at the gym and ate a cookie cutter diet, I’d get in shape and could eat whatever I wanted on the weekend, because training 5 days a week would balance out the food intake. Instead, I ended up exhausted every week, spinning my wheels and yoyo dieting – never really losing more than 5-6kgs which I regained straight after anyhow.
“I honestly just thought my little podge and my cellulite was to do with genetics and there’s nothing I could do about it. I don’t even want to think about all the money I’ve wasted on PTs and fit plans.
“I then ‘reward’ myself with carbs and chocolate, then beat myself up over it. It was a viscous cycle and truly self-sabotaging behaviour. With BodyIQ, I’ve had ZERO cravings.
“Before BodyIQ I was seriously the biggest chocolaholic and carbaholic – I’d loose 3 kilos
“You never really think you’ve you’ve got that much fat to lose, until you reach your goal weight and you feel and look amazing. BODYIQ is hands down the best lifestyle change I’ve ever made. The weight loss is unbelievable!
“I lost 16 kilos, with no exercise and I had zero cravings
“I haven’t been to the gym since I started the program and haven’t been this light in over 10 years – always having a ‘pot belly’ that I put down to genetics. I have nearly lost the entire belly now and I actually like what is what I see in the mirror. Bring on Summer, it’s yet to be the first year I DON’T feel self-conscious in my swimmers.
I’ll be the lightest I’ve been since my early 20’s!
BodyIQ is the best weight loss program I’ve even been involved with .”
– Kerry, 40yrs old from Sydney.