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06/07/2023Measure Your Metabolism Easily at Home

Not Seeing Weightloss Results Despite Your Efforts? It May Be That Your Metabolism Has Tanked
Dr. Broda Barnes introduced the basal temperature test as an easy way to determine adequate thyroid function, and prior to 1940, basal body temperature (BBT) upon waking was a common way in which physicians would diagnose a slow metabolism (hypothyroidism).
According to Dr. Barnes, a healthy body temperature should be 36.6 degrees upon rising. Body temperature should steadily rise during the day and peak between 1-3pm to about 37 degrees. Anything below that could indicate a slowing metabolism and thyroid issues – since the thyroid governs your metabolism and BBT is an extension of your metabolism.
Your metabolism is the sum of every metabolic process in your body – including digestion, immunity, detoxification, hormonal health, reproduction, repair and weight regulation. So when metabolism slows – how your body functions biologically, mentally, biologically and emotionally plummets also.
Since your body temperature is an extension of your metabolism, you can think of BBT as a measure of your baseline metabolism, or how efficiently your body converts glucose from food into energy and heat in your body. More glucose burned equals more heat, equals a higher metabolic rate.
The simplest and cheapest way to monitor the efficiency of your metabolism is to track your resting oral temperature and pulse rate.
- BBT (Basal Body Temperature): upon waking, whilst you’re still lying in bed, take your temperature with a digital thermometer orally with your mouth fully closed. Collect this data upon waking, 30 minutes after breakfast and in the afternoon approximately 3pm – for 3-7 days, then monitor 1-2 times weekly, especially if you’re on a weightloss regime.A body temperature of 36.6-37 degrees (without any negative health symptoms), means that your metabolism is producing enough heat to keep you healthy. A healthy metabolism is linked with good digestion, regular bowel movements, healthy skin/nail/hair, no PMS symptoms, a healthy libido, great sleep, warm hands and feet, all day energy, good mood, ability to handle stress, hormonal health and a lean body that’s free from disease.
- RHR (Resting Heart/Pulse Rate): Count your pulse at your wrist or neck for 60 seconds each time you take your temperature. You can also count your pulse for 10 seconds, then multiply by six. Or use an oximeter, AppleWatch, Oura Ring etc.Your pulse rate is the number of times your heart beats in one minute. A normal heart rate during the day is about 75-85 beats per minute (bpm). The more often your heart beats up (up to about 85 bpm), the more nutrients and oxygen are being delivered to your cells. A heart rate above 85 bpm may indicate that adrenaline is at play, while a low heart rate may indicate hypothyroidism and slowing metabolic rate. Despite popular belief, whilst a low heart rate is a sign of fitness, it is not a sign of good health – it shows that the body has adapted to the ongoing stress and has become more efficient at using less energy to perform tasks, downregulating it’s metabolic processes as a way to conserve energy in the absence of insufficient fuel supply (carbs/sugars).
In order to achieve weight loss, it is essential to address your metabolism as a priority. One effective approach is to increase your Basal Body Temperature (BBT) to the range of 36.6-37 degrees Celsius and consistently monitor it throughout your weight loss journey. This practice helps to prevent future weight rebound, promote better health, and restore hormonal balance. It is also important to avoid the things that dramatically downregulate your metabolism, such as severely reducing calorie intake, fasting, keto dieting, overtraining, skipping breakfast, and drastically cutting carbohydrates. Engaging in these behaviors can lead to a decline in your metabolism and BBT, pushing your body into a fat storage mode due to adaptive metabolic responses and increased stress hormone levels. This response is an attempt by your body to conserve energy and store fat for survival purposes.
“A higher metabolism, not exercise makes people naturally thin.” – Dr. Ray Peat
The good news is you’re never too old and it’s never too late! No matter how damaged you think your metabolism is, you can get better. You just need the right tools, a desire to change, guidance and patience. And you simply CANNOT achieve permanent weightloss without making metabolic health a priority. It’s scientifically impossible!
Join BodyIQ to rebuild your metabolism so it burns calories at rest, rather than stores them as fat, to help you regain your health, vitality, confidence and a body you’ll be proud of at any age. It’s the only way to achieve permanent, exercise-free weightloss without sacrificing your health.
Summer bodies are made in winter.
Join the BodyIQ’s 8 week online Metabolic Makeover Challenge to get you started on your health and weight loss journey. Your only regret will be that you didn’t sign-up sooner!
Article by Kinga Fourie
Certified Nutritionist, BodyIQ Founder & IFBB Figure Champion