Why Eating Less & Exercising More is Making You Fatter & Sicker
The Exact Diet That Got Renata In The Best Shape At 53 Years (Part 2)
23/05/2024The 53 Year Old Body(IQ) Transformation That Blew Up My Instagram

The 53 Year Old Body(IQ) Transformation That Blew Up My Instagram
Are you tired of feeling stuck in your weight loss journey despite all your efforts? It’s time to discover BodyIQ’s revolutionary approach that will finally help you achieve the body you’ve always dreamed of.
In this exclusive four-part series, I’ll reveal the inspiring story of Renata, a 53-year-old postmenopausal woman who transformed her body and reclaimed her confidence. Renata’s journey is a testament to the power of understanding your body’s unique needs and embracing a holistic approach to wellness. Age and circumstances are no barriers to achieving your body goals with the right nutrition plan and one-on-one coaching.
Part 1: How It All Started
Renata’s story began like many of ours – endless hours at the gym, training on an empty stomach and strict diets that included: giant green salads and undercooked vegetables, nuts and seeds, black coffee, 3 litres of water daily, almond milk, salmon, excess animal protein etc … whilst omitting all dairy and fruit in favour of brown rice and complex carbs. Despite her unwavering dedication to gruelling workouts and strict diets, she was plagued by bloating, gas, fatigue, fluid retention and inflammation, and stubborn fat accumulation in her trouble areas, as well as high cholesterol. Sound familiar?
Everything she was doing, that the popular mainstream fitness and weightloss industry market is exactly what kept her stuck and unable to reach her body goals.
In this four-part series, I will tell you exactly how Renata made all her body dreams come true. You will learn what she ate, how she trained and how she melted stubborn fat off her butt and thighs (spot-reduced).
Enter BodyIQ.
The first task at hand was to assess Renata’s metabolism with a full six-panel thyroid blood test. Given her excessive training and consumption of anti-metabolic foods, it was crucial to evaluate the extent of metabolic damage before embarking on a weight loss journey.
Next, I designed a personalised pro-metabolic calorie cycling (CC) diet for Renata, ensuring her metabolism stayed revved up so her weight loss never stalled and so she could enjoy her weekends. The diet specifically addressed her inflamed, painful, and swollen gut, which consequently led to a significant reduction in fluid retention in just three days.
“Complex carbohydrates, rather than sugars are a reasonable way to promote obesity” Dr. Ray Peat
I eliminated all raw salads and undercooked cruciferous vegetables, opting instead for well-cooked ‘fruit’ vegetables that are easily digested. Almond and oat milk were replaced with low-fat dairy milk, as alternative milk substitutes lack the nutritional profile to be rightfully labelled as ‘milk.’ Complex carbohydrates were substituted with white rice, tropical fruit, and potatoes. Renata could also now enjoy cappuccinos with real milk and honey. Additionally, all nuts, seeds, nut butters, avocados, and other sources of polyunsaturated fats (PUFAs) were replaced with weightloss-promoting coconut and MCT oil. Her water intake was limited to 1L or less.
Finally, her weight training regimen was scaled back from intense 5-6 sessions per week to just two easy full-body workouts weekly, aimed at reducing the stress caused by overtraining whilst eating a lower calorie diet. In exchange, she incorporated stress-reducing outdoor walks into her routine.
The results were nothing short of remarkable! Just look at her 3-DAY TRANSFORMATION below! #foodismedicine
Part 2, 3, and 4: The Inside Scoop
Fxxx restrictive dieting and exhausting workouts – we ALL know they don’t work for us women in our 40s, 50s and beyond.
Picture this: indulging in tropical fruits, sipping on milky cappuccinos, and indulging in sourdough, Haagen Dazs ice-cream, Betty’s Burgers and desserts daily — all while achieving your dream body. Renata’s transformation is living proof that BodyIQ’s personalised diet programs, metabolic health tracking and one-on-one coaching works – no matter what age you are.
But that’s just the beginning. In Part 2, 3 and 4, I’ll unveil Renata’s exact diet, her spot-reducing training program that shrunk her glutes and thighs, her favourite diet recipes, and expose the pitfalls of overtraining, undereating, and falling for trendy ‘superfoods’ and fitness challenges that promise you a ‘toned’ body but result in you – water-logged, exhausted and frustrated AF. Just look around any gym and ask yourself, who is truly seeing results?
Get ready to redefine what’s possible for your body. Join me on this extraordinary journey with BodyIQ and witness firsthand the incredible transformation that awaits you.
“A higher metabolism, not exercise makes people naturally thin.” Dr. Ray Peat
Summer bodies are made in winter.
Join the BodyIQ’s 8 week online Metabolic Makeover Challenge to get you started on your health and weight loss journey. Your only regret will be that you didn’t sign-up sooner!
Article by Kinga Fourie
Certified Nutritionist, BodyIQ Founder & IFBB Figure Champion